Looking For Toddler Reins? Check Out The New Trunki ToddlePak!

If you’ve got a young toddler in the family, you’ll know how curious they can be about the world around them and it’s not always easy to keep them by your side while you’re out and about.

It only takes a second for a child to tug free and dash into the road and lets face it, children can be Houdini-like escape artists when they put their minds to it. The second you let go of their hand to pay for something at a shop or open a train door, your little adventurer has disappeared off into the crowd chasing after some shiny object or other.

Parents often find themselves facing the dilemma of whether to keep their kids strapped into a pushchair where they know they’ll be safe or let them have their own freedom. But nobody wants to wrap their children up in cotton wool and training reins are the perfect way to help them embrace their newfound independence while making sure they stay safe and sound.

Worried that reins are ugly and cumbersome? Fear not, they’ve come a LONG way since those old 70’s designs. Check out our new Trunki ToddlePak

Image source: You Baby, Me Mummy

We’ve listened to a lot of feedback from parents who’ve found traditional safety reins uncomfortable for their children and awkward to use. So our team of Trunki imagineers spent 2 years designing the perfect stylish, fuss-free alternative that your kids will LOVE to wear! But don’t take our word for it, check out what some of the UK’s top parenting bloggers have to say…

Image source: Bump to Baby

“It really is so simple to use! And it can be used both as a training rein for first steps and a leading rein for when they’re a little older. We had no issues at all with it and Ethan hardly noticed he had it on.” Alex Gladwin – Bump to Baby.

Image source: My Family Fever

“Now that Max is a fully fledged toddler, he relishes his independence – and hates going in the pushchair. He wants to be out on his feet, exploring the world around him, rather than watching it from a set of wheels. Having used several types of toddler reins over the years, I can safely say that the ToddlePak is my favourite. I love how easy it is to fit and adjust, the 2 stage rein option, and the bright and funky design – much more exciting that boring navy, which means Max is more likely to want to wear it!” Kate Fever – Family Fever.

Image source: Mr and Mrs T Plus Three

“The thing I like the most is we were able to just unclip the reins part and leave Rose to play with the harness on and then clip the reins back on when necessary which made life so much easier!” Amy Treasure – Mr And Mrs T Plus Three.

Image source: What the Redhead Said

“Little Man has been walking for a few months now but has no sense of danger – we either need to hold his hand constantly or use reins which at the moment is by far the safest and easiest option! The harness is the perfect size for a toddler to wear in the car or pushchair with the reins taken off. Meaning I don’t have to keep taking it off and on, which makes it much simpler to use than other reins.” Donna Wishart – What the Redhead Said.

Image source: In My Bubble

“Although Abby’s getting better at holding hands, she likes to be able to touch and pick up whatever leaves she finds. The ToddlePak is a pair of reins that gives Abby the freedom but also lets me keep her from jumping in the river and having a paddle! When she was off having a run around, the reins would easily unclip, however I found it just as easy to tuck them in at the back. She was able to run around, without any part of it bothering her.” Amy Squires – In My Bubble

Image source: You Baby Me Mummy

“I can’t sing the praises of the ToddlePak enough; great value, safety, comfort, fab design, easy to fit and adjust, a great experience in actually using the product for both parent and child. What more could you want?!” Aby Moore – You Baby Me Mummy.

Head over to the Trunki website now for more info and to check out the range of super cute ToddlePak designs!

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