What better way to celebrate the news of Trunki manufacturing in the UK than to visit the factory? Well, after getting the cake and bucks fizz out of course ;o)
On Friday the team jumped onto a giant Trunki bus* and headed to Totnes in Devon to take a look around the new Trunki factory. We were even set the challenge of fully assembling our own London 2012 Trunki.
Read more for photos!
Trunki Dust: Ever wondered what Trunki suitcases are made of? Here’s the magical substance itself.
Trunki Shaper: This is the moulding tool that shapes all the melted Trunki Dust into a Trunki case shape!
Growing Trunki: The cases have been moulded and their first stamp has been printed, they’re on their way to full toddler age!
Hair and makeup: A Trunki needs a lot of colour in their little lives! It’s printing time.
Not every Trunki is perfect: But every Trunki is useful for something!
Trunki Little Helpers: We were all set the task of assembling a Trunki, that means putting on the horns, wheels, clips, the lot!
A British Trunki is born! Here’s a member of our sales team showing off her fully assembled Trunki.
What a fun day! :o)
*Giant Trunki bus does not exist.