Trunki Now Made In Britain... Part 2!

If you haven’t noticed the recent buzz about our UK manufacturing news, firstly, where have you been? Secondly, we’re about to tell you all about it!

After 6 years of using factories in China to manufacture our Trunki suitcases, we have now finally made the move back to Britain. A factory in the lovely countryside of Devon will now be producing all Trunki suitcases. So the Trunki suitcases of the immediate future will be fellow beloved Brits :o)

You can be one of the first to own a made in the UK Trunki- our limited edition London 2012 and Team GB Trunki suitcase are available for purchase now! Just click here to be taken to the Trunki shop.

For more on this news read below.


Trunki Daddy, Rob Law, is particularly excited about this milestone. He says:

“It’s been a dream of mine to make things back here, when we first set up that wasn’t possible at all it was just far too expensive but a couple of big business things have changed recently. The devaluation of our Sterling currency against the US dollar, the cost of labour in China keeps going up and about twelve months ago I looked to see if it was possible to make our Trunki back in the UK again.”

UK manufacture has been a long term amibition for Designer & Creator Rob Law MBE ever since the launch of Trunki in 2006. Fittingly the first British made Trunki scheduled to roll off the production line this morning was the licenced Team GB and London 2012 Trunki .

Rob is keen to spread the word about UK manufacturing, despite it being more expensive than China, there are many tangible business benefits which outweigh the current trend of just focusing on lowest prices.

Celebrations all around!

To celebrate both the move, and our 6th birthday, the entire Trunki Team will be spending the day at the factory in Devon on Friday 11th May, where they’ll get  to put their hands to making a Trunki themselves! They’re super skilled in the office, but it’s doubtful they’ll be so good at this particular job ;o)

Join in on the buzz!

Tell us what you think about this news via our Twitter page @Trunki or Facebook– Trunki Towers. Alternatively leave a comment below!

Use #WeLoveTrunki in your tweets :o)

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